Carrot coconut cream bisque

So what is a bisque exactly ?
According to Wiki , Bisque is a creamy soup of French origin, based on a strained broth of crustaceans.
For the recipe below, I did not use any seafood broth so techncally it is not a bisque but it sounds so much cooler than Carrot coconut cream soup.. Donchya think ? 🙂
To serve 4- 6
1-1.5 pound of carrots, peeled, and roughly chopped
2 Medium sized tomatoes
1 Medium sized onion (I used sweet white)
2-3 garlic cloves smashed and chopped

2 bay leaves
1 tsp of nutmeg grated/powder
1-2 Tbsp(s) chopped basil
1 cup of light coconut milk
1.5- 2 cups of water

Salt, pepper to taste

Sautee onions and garlic in a Tbsp o OO for 4-5 minutes till the onions turn a pale pink. Add the tomatoes and carrots and cook for about 3-4 minutes on medium heat.
Add the bay leaf , basil and water. Increase the heat to a high and bring the soup to a boil. Reduce the heat to a medium and cover the pot and cook for 12-15 minutes till the carrots are tender.
Once the carrots can be pricked easily with a fork, remove the bay leaf. Using a hand blender, blend the contents in the pot carefully or alternatively using a stand up blender, blend all the ingredients. ( I would suggest letting the ingredients cool down before blending).
Move the contents into a pot and add the coconut milk and bring to a gentle boil. Season with salt , pepper and nutmeg. Garnish with some fresh basil and a Tsp of coconut milk.


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